Friday 11 February 2011

from Guitar Hero to Guitar Zero

 It is with great pleasure that I announce the demise of the mind-numbing, non-expansive, un-educational "game" called Guitar Hero. I suppose that for some folks, with nothing but idle (idol?) time on their hands, it's as good (or bad) a time-waster as two too many Gin & Tonics.

Yahoo reported it here.
The Guardian reported it here.

Why this response from yours truly? Try this:

...which brings us to the next logical question:
Q: How many real guitar lessons would this buy the punter?
A: A lot

Why would a parent buy their child this "game"? To keep the kid(s) in the bedroom, out of the parents' hair? Why would a parent not see the very clear sense in the idea that  learning music (real music) is a social connector, a source of self-esteem for the young aspiring musician (or even hobbyist)?

The amount of time it takes to learn the ins-and-outs of the idiocy formerly known as Guitar Hero would pay incredible dividends if spent learning a real instrument.

That said - I've always loved to see large audiences grooving and playing "air guitar". That's very different indeed, as it is a communally shared expression of enjoyment...

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E.R.'s Recommended Reading:
I had the pleasure of contributing to this fine book, which totally demystifies improvisation!
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Copyright 2011 Elliott Randall / ELZ Music & Multimedia   -   All Rights Reserved

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